
My autobiography

 Marzo 30, 2022                  Hello, my name is April and i was born here in Rancagua, Chile. 11th of August 1999.  My mother and my father are from Chile, my mom was born in Graneros village and my dad was born in Teno village. Currently, I live in my home. I have lived in Rancagua all my life I studied in the Oscar Castro school. My family is  a little dysfunctional but I love them. In my free time, I like to meditate. I like to elongate my body   I like to costumer.  My hobby is organize my room listen to music jijiji.  Actually i'm studdying plastic art in Universidad de Chile and until now, i love the experience of learn the real art with professionals. Also i was in the sculture workshop and ceramic workshop. Now i'm studdying in the painting workshop with my teachers Pablo Ferrer and Gonzalo Diaz, they are very good teaching.